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Current Location: 首页  @Jinhua  Places of Interest

Places of Interest

Old Street and Antique Market

source:english   author:   time:2018-01-11


 On Saturday and Sunday mornings it turns into an outdoor market of sorts where peddlers line the already-narrow street with carts and wares spread out on blankets on the ground. The majority of the items appear to be antiques of some kind--old coins, Mao-era paraphernalia, polished rocks and wood carvings, jewelry, etc. How much of it is authentic nobody knows. Arts and crafts of various sorts are also sold here. 
This area is a short walk from the center of downtown Jinhua, which is easily accessible by bus from campus.

Places of Interest

Old Street and Antique Market

source:english   author:   time:2018-01-11


 On Saturday and Sunday mornings it turns into an outdoor market of sorts where peddlers line the already-narrow street with carts and wares spread out on blankets on the ground. The majority of the items appear to be antiques of some kind--old coins, Mao-era paraphernalia, polished rocks and wood carvings, jewelry, etc. How much of it is authentic nobody knows. Arts and crafts of various sorts are also sold here. 
This area is a short walk from the center of downtown Jinhua, which is easily accessible by bus from campus.